The Gold Standard In Test Preparation
Price: $15.95

Mastering Ohio’s American History Assessment is organized in the same manner as the Ohio curriculum -- by units. Each content standard is a separate chapter that explores each of the 33 Content Standards in the American history curriculum based on the newly released guidelines. There are almost four hundred practice questions -- all in the same format as the new assessment. Each of these questions provides a wide-range of practice in answering every type of questions students will find on the assessment. Students receive extensive practice -- with questions after each content statement, at the end of each unit, in a comprehensive midterm, and a complete final practice assessment. All of these questions mirrors the distribution and level of difficulty on the American history assessment. Each content standard is covered in a concise but highly readable summary that provides the most essential information students need. The book is highly illustrated, containing hundreds of photographs, maps, diagrams, and charts.
ISBN 1-935022-29-6 [978-1-935022-29-9]