The Gold Standard In Test Preparation
SKU: 258N
Price: $15.95

Ohio in the United States is a fun and exciting activity book that is narrowly aligned to Ohio’s learning standards and model social studies curriculum. No other resource can better prepare your students for Ohio’s new fourth grade social studies test! Please note that this book is only sold in sets of ten.
Ohio in the United States will help your students learn Grade 4 social studies on the geography, history, economy, government and culture of Ohio and the early United States, as well as prepare for Ohio’s new Grade 4 social studies test. Each of the fun and exciting activities in this book is completely aligned to Ohio’s model social studies curriculum. Together, these 28 activities covers all of the Grade 4 Content Elaborations and Student Expectations for learning.
This book can serve as a perfect primer to prepare for the Fourth Grade test in social studies. All the social studies skills required by the new social studies curriculum are interwoven throughout the book. Maps, photographs, diagrams and graphic organizers guide you through important parts of the curriculum. The instructional strategies recommended in Ohio’s Grade 4 model curriculum are integrated into the Making Connections activities. Every page in the book is perforated, allowing students to easily remove pages to hand in or to exchange with other students in class. Based on the principles of How People Learn, these activities reinforce key concepts with Checking Your Understanding and Think About It exercises, Study Cards, Learning with Graphic Organizers, and essays that enable you to Express Yourself.