The Gold Standard In Test Preparation
SKU: 00-292T
Price: $14.95

This book provides complete coverage of all the TEKS in World Geography. The book can be used as the basis for a complete course organized around key themes--from physical geography and demography to political geography and globalization--or it can be used in conjunction with a regional approach. Either way, this comprehensive resource is simply the best way for teachers and students to be sure they have covered every one of the TEKS in World Geography before taking the new, high-stakes End-of-Course STAAR test. This book has it all: mini-regional surveys, explanations of key geographical terms and concepts, exciting student activities, and hundreds of practice assessment items! In addition, bilingual glossaries and final practice tests are available. A set of 30 practice tests costs $120. A set of 30 bilingual glossaries is available for the same low price of $120. This book is only sold in sets of 10.
Mastering the TEKS in World Geography is written in a student-friendly manner, with clear, insightful explanations, and a plethora of historical maps and illustrations. The book has an interactive format and organizes the TEKS into a form that students can easily follow. The book makes use of the latest educational research, including recommendations of the National Research Council in How People Learn.
The opening unit presents special test-taking skills needed for End-of-Course Tests. Students learn how to read maps, tables, graphs and diagrams. Students also learn how to attack each type of multiple-choice question metacognitively through our unique “E-R-A” approach, in which students Examine the question, Recall what they know and Apply what they know to select the best answer.
Each of the TEKS is completely covered. Information is organized logically around social studies skills and methods, and a chronological approach incorporating history, geography, economics, and government.
★▋Each Unit Opener serves as an advance organizer. There is also a word wall with the most important terms and concepts found in the unit.
★▋Applying What You Have Learned and Amateur Historian sections stimulate students to think about and apply what they have just learned.
★▋Each content chapter reinforces the major ideas of the TEKS. Each content section focuses on the key concepts, facts and people articulated in the TEKS.
★▋Study Cards are found at the end of each content chapter. These study cards highlight the essential information in the chapter, and encourage students to make their own additional cards to review and reinforce key concepts, facts, and relationships.
★▋Each chapter is followed by a Checking Your Understanding feature with both guided and independent practice. These questions are designed to mirror those questions students will find on the actual STAAR End-of-Course Test.
★▋Each unit concludes with a Concept Map, helping students to visually organize and review each standard and to see various relationships more clearly.
A Complete Final Practice Test has the same distribution of questions and level of difficulty as the actual End-of-Course Test. Every question in the book is fully identified by its TEKS.
Also Available: A Glossary of World Geography Terms. This bilingual glossary (English and Spanish) identifies and defines key terms, chapter by chapter.
Also Available: Practice TEKS World Geography Assessment. This separate practice test is perfect for review or use as a diagnostic test. It has the exact distribution of questions specified in the TEA Blueprint.